People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: June 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ode to Dottie...

Tis the time of year

That I've come to fear.

When Dotties offers her siren call,

And all the hounddogs start to fall.

Arriving from places far and wide,

Dottie whines, longing to run to their side.

I stand amused, watching her flirt.

I must stay vigilant, ever alert!

One little slip could cause a snafu,

Nine weeks from now I'd be cleaning up poo!

Twelve little small, little cute, little muts

Will send me over the edge, just plain nuts.

I love you dear heart, my dear little Dottie,

However your fertility record is quite spotty.

No more nookie for you, I'm sorry it's over.

It's time to say your goodbyes to Rover.

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Saturday, June 07, 2008


I don't really know what to say right now. I'm flabbergasted. How can someone show such flagrant disregard, DISRESPECT, to someone who's given so much to them. I know that life isn't always rosy and I know how it is to feel regret. I also know that using the past as an excuse for your behavior in the present is a cop out. Grow the fuck up. Be a man. Quit taking and taking and taking. The well is nearly dry, can't you see that? Open your eyes! Show some respect for the woman who raised you and not the current pussy of the month. You've always said you hated liars and manipulators. What is it that you think you've become? Using words, hateful, knowingly life destroying words, to bend someone to your will is pure manipulation. Man up, deal with the shit, then get your life in order. And take care of someone else, think about someone other than yourself for once in your life.

To the pussy of the month: You can go straight to hell. You are owed nothing. You've taken enough.

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Friday, June 06, 2008


I am looking less and less like a lobster every day. I almost want to go to the lake this weekend. My still sensitive flesh is telling me to stay in the dark, however. I've even avoided walking this week because I couldn't stand to be in the heat. I'll start back tomorrow, I may have to dress like the Amish but it's something I must do. It's all coming to a close now and I have the itching and peeling to look forward to. Yay.

Have I mentioned how much I love weenie dogs lately? They're the sweetest creatures, a little hyper and annoying at times, yes. But when they snuggle in your lap and give you hugs, it's the best. All they need is food, a pat on the head and sleep. They don't ask for much, they don't talk back and they treat you with absolute adoration. Why can't people be like that?! Ha!

This weekend should be an interesting one, in more ways than one. I plan on mostly hanging at home and living vicariously through those around me. I might wash a dish or I might fold a towel or, if I'm feeling really industrious, I might mow the driveway. Right now, I need to get my shit together so I can go home. What are y'all planning for the weekend?

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Hot nerd on cell
I mean seriously, what's the point of having friends if you can't occasionally accuse them of sexual deviance?

--40th & 3rd, New York City

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

The story of PASA...

You know what I've learned in the past few years? I've learned that some people are just asses. Plain and simple asses, or PASA.

Most of the PASA are excellent actors and are able to create these huge extravagant productions. The whirlwind that surrounds PASA can suck you in to what I like to call the Big Fat Lie production company. They lure you in and make you trust them, cast you as the star and even make you somewhat dependent on that paycheck. Then these PASA decide they've tired of playing their part and switch production companies on you. You're left holding the tattered script of your life, wondering how the hell you've become the extra in someone else's play. It takes hours and hours of tedious work to tape your life script back together (Can't you fix anything with duct tape?). As you meticulously place that last piece of adhesive, you realize that although your script was irreversibly changed there are no limits to the pages you can add. It just takes a little chutzpa and courage to pick up the pen.

Oh, and Mr. PASA, why don't you pick up your pen you coward and write the rest of your life, the REAL story.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

BlogPick: Next stop, dreamland...

I've been watching this show on A&E or Biography or some channel along those lines called 'I Survived'. The premise of the show is basically ordinary people surviving extraordinary situations. There are no props, no re-enactments... just a single person talking into the camera and telling his or her story.

This show has really screwed up my dreams of rainbows and lollipops. Now my dreams are filled with home invaders, rapists and serial killers or I'm stranded in the middle of an ocean surrounded by sharks and no fresh water. The logical thing to do would be to, hmm, stop watching, right? I can't, though! I'm fascinated by this sort of thing.

My subconscious may twist things around in the vast, dark space that is my brain but when I take a broom to some of the cobwebs I find these stories inspire me. They stimulate those few brain cells and I begin to imagine what I would do in different situations. How would I react? How would you react?

This is my entry for a little MySpace group called Blog Pick. Follow the link below to check out differing, but fascinating introspectives on a single topic.

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Monday, June 02, 2008


This weekend was pretty great, the kind you never really want to end.

Friday I went to see Sex and the City with my BFF (it was pretty great,
but I'm left with the feeling of 'I can't wait to see the next
episode.' Guess that's the downside of turning a TV series into a
movie! Also, I had to pee starting about 30 minutes in and I lost my
focus. I'd like to see it again sans full bladder).

Saturday I was SUPPOSED to go to the lake with T-Lo. She wanted to trap
poor unsuspecting aquatic life, I wanted to soak up some sun and maybe
float in the water. Instead, I watched a lot of TV (at least I'm caught
up on GH now) and did some dishes. I won't name names as to why we
didn't make it. We
did eventually go riding around, scouting out where some of the best
locations might be, and topped it off with Papa Nachos (mmmm, chips and
hot sauce sound pretty good right about now).

Sunday I traveled the few miles down the road to Jennifer's house for a
day of food, friends, sun and swimming. I love hanging out with these
folks, they are just fun to be around. We always laugh, even through
the mini-crises. "My skin is meeeelting!!" We talked and swam and ate
and swam and talked some more. It was good to catch up. And Jennifer
made a chocolate cake that was pretty much to die for (mmmmmm
chocolate). I stayed and made a nuisance of myself until almost 9
o'clock. The first one to arrive and the last one to leave, yep you
can't get rid of me. I'll be coming to see YOU next!!

I'm pretty much a crispy, red mess after yesterday. But it's all good
in the hood. Some things are just worth a little pain. I hope the rest
of the summer yields more weekends like this one. Peace out, yo!

My new favorite saying...

Famous people walk on red carpets because they are famous...I myself walk on toilet paper because I am the shit! - Thanks Sam!!

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