People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: The story of PASA...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The story of PASA...

You know what I've learned in the past few years? I've learned that some people are just asses. Plain and simple asses, or PASA.

Most of the PASA are excellent actors and are able to create these huge extravagant productions. The whirlwind that surrounds PASA can suck you in to what I like to call the Big Fat Lie production company. They lure you in and make you trust them, cast you as the star and even make you somewhat dependent on that paycheck. Then these PASA decide they've tired of playing their part and switch production companies on you. You're left holding the tattered script of your life, wondering how the hell you've become the extra in someone else's play. It takes hours and hours of tedious work to tape your life script back together (Can't you fix anything with duct tape?). As you meticulously place that last piece of adhesive, you realize that although your script was irreversibly changed there are no limits to the pages you can add. It just takes a little chutzpa and courage to pick up the pen.

Oh, and Mr. PASA, why don't you pick up your pen you coward and write the rest of your life, the REAL story.

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