People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: Lobsterfied...

Friday, June 06, 2008


I am looking less and less like a lobster every day. I almost want to go to the lake this weekend. My still sensitive flesh is telling me to stay in the dark, however. I've even avoided walking this week because I couldn't stand to be in the heat. I'll start back tomorrow, I may have to dress like the Amish but it's something I must do. It's all coming to a close now and I have the itching and peeling to look forward to. Yay.

Have I mentioned how much I love weenie dogs lately? They're the sweetest creatures, a little hyper and annoying at times, yes. But when they snuggle in your lap and give you hugs, it's the best. All they need is food, a pat on the head and sleep. They don't ask for much, they don't talk back and they treat you with absolute adoration. Why can't people be like that?! Ha!

This weekend should be an interesting one, in more ways than one. I plan on mostly hanging at home and living vicariously through those around me. I might wash a dish or I might fold a towel or, if I'm feeling really industrious, I might mow the driveway. Right now, I need to get my shit together so I can go home. What are y'all planning for the weekend?

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Hot nerd on cell
I mean seriously, what's the point of having friends if you can't occasionally accuse them of sexual deviance?

--40th & 3rd, New York City

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