People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: November 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To the Redskins...

... and the Taylor family. I am sorry for your loss.

For those of you that haven't heard, Sean Taylor, a safety for the Washington Redskins, died this morning after being shot in his home by an intruder. In his own home. I just can't imagine. I wake up terrified from a dream, I don't even want to know what it would be like to wake up and actually find someone in your home. Scary.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey day...

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Achmed the dead terrorist.... A MUST SEE!!! - Watch more free videos

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Here kitty, kitty...

Had to post this one, it made me grin!

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
White mom
: Which kitty is your favorite?

Little girl holding book of baby animals: The black one!
Mom: The black one? He sure is a cute kitty.
Little girl, loudly: Once you go black, you never go back!
Passing thug, flashing her a thumbs-up: Word!
White mom: I don't care what your father says, we are so moving to Westchester.
--Commodore Barry Park, Brooklyn, NY

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Who will you pick...

We've had quite the williwaw over the past 12 hours in east Texas. Cold and blustery winds blew in last night making it feel like fall, again, but alas this IS Texas so we'll be back up in the 80's in less than a week. It's supposed to be cool and rainy on Thanksgiving which will help get the holiday feelings started. Yay!

I'd like to hear from you all. Some of these candidates are so low in the polls, they're in a serious state of denegation and should just cut their losses and save everyone a bunch of time and money. Tell me who stands out in your mind for the 2008 Presidential Election. Will expound more of my thoughts on this later.

Here's a list of some of the candidates:
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Dennis Kucinich
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Fred Thompson
Mitt Romney

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The holiday of the pumpkin pie...

It's Thanksgiving next week. There's something about the holiday that makes me a little sad that I don't have "a family" per say to share it with. I'll miss most of the traditional homemade holiday foods that I grew up with because I can't afford to buy the crap to make it all (or I would)(I don't care if there'd only be one person eating it), namely the dressing (stupid Stove-Top has stolen my nostalgic moments!!!!). There is one old-school dish that I will make (fruit salad which I will probably make and eat this weekend because Anne's making her own kind of fruit salad) and a new one I've developed over the past few years (yeast rolls which I first learned to make from my ex-mother-in-law and have tweaked the recipe), and will actually spend the holiday with the family I've created and managed to kidnap as my own. They're all a little nuts, so you know I fit right in. Last year I got to make my dressing, and it was damn good if I do say so myself, and yeast rolls. Our little family had a good Thanksgiving last year and I'll miss those that can't be there this year. Sniff, Sniff!! I'm going to offer my cooking expertise to my hostess and hopefully she'll take me up on it since I know she's going to be dead on her ass when she finally gets home. I'm sort of rambling in this post so I'm going to end it now because I'm not sure where I'm trying to go. Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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Monday, November 12, 2007

That's how I want to grow old...

I've come across several blogs whilst mindlessly surfing the internet, some are in my blogroll, some are not. Some of the authors I consider friends, some I've never met. Some I read for comedic benefit, some are for their informative aspect, some even include both. Pretty much all of them infuse some of their daily lives into their writing. It's fascinating to me how involved I become in these stories. I feel genuine emotion for their accomplishments, failures, blessings and tragedies. I'm a sap, I guess. But I'd rather be a sap than an emotionless, unfeeling robot. Those people are scary. Anyway... I'd like to say a big thank you to all you bloggers for inviting us into your lives. It's a fun way to avoid work!

I got a flu shot last week from a nursing student. I've heard horror stories all my life about how you'll actually get a mild case of the flu. Well, I don't want the flu, even a mild case of it, so I've never gotten it. Nobody could convince me. Until I saw Regis and Kelly get one on their show. The doctor giving the shot informed the viewers that the rumor of getting the flu was just that, a rumor. So, because I believe everything I see on TV, I changed my mind and decided to just go ahead and get the shot. Sarah's been wanting guinea pigs to practice on, so why not! Sarah was wonderful, didn't hurt me at all. Even the medication they said would eventually cause some discomfort never came. Ya just learn something new every day dontcha.

Overheard in New York Quote of the Day
Old woman #1
: How many times have you beaten the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?

Old woman #2: I'm not sure. Maybe three or four times...
--A train, New York City

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's not only in Arkansas anymore...

A friend of mine gave me an old recliner she had used before she got new furniture. Anybody that is familiar with the state of the recliners I previously owned knows what a blessing that was. One of them was so broken down you could no longer sit it in without something poking you in the ass. The other one, not only overtaken by the brown furry things that run my life, was coming apart at the arms. Neither had rocked or reclined in quite some time. I was finally able to boot them out the door and rearrange my living room in the process. So now that the chair that Captain and Piper used as their bed is history, I made them a little place in the floor complete with pillow and blanket. They slept on it one day before Dottie took it over. Now they've taken over the couch. Something is going to have to give here. I have long since become accustomed to the fact that I am just a human living in their house, but come ON!!! I buy the food. Can't they give me some credit for that?

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
: I think if you're considering dating your cousin, which one you pick is the least of your problems.

--8th & Broadway, New York City

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Those WERE the days...

It hasn't been quite a month since I've blogged. I've kind of been on a blogging strike, of sorts. Well, maybe I've just been trying to spend not quite so much time in front of the computer and TV which has led to blog lagging and me being 2 weeks behind on General Hospital. But don't worry, I'm not blogstipated.

I need to go to the dentist. I have wisdom teeth (yeah, ironic, I know) on the right side that have yet to be removed and are protesting much more frequently these days. Why are dentists SO damn expensive? Especially when they are the spawn of satan? They should be paying US for subjecting our innocent teeth and gums to the hands of the devil!! Can you tell I had a bad experience at the dentist? Dr. O'Neveragain did a number on my psyche and my mouth.

So, I've been doing a little walking lately. Did you know that knees have mouths? Yeah, mine scream after about a mile. I just scream back and tell them to shut up. Mind over matter, right?

I was sick Sunday night. I was in so much pain I was nauseas and ended up throwing up which finally allowed me to get a couple of hours of sleep. Now I'm sore from the puking and while I feel better mostly, my torso feels like I was beaten with a wooden baseball bat.

Tina and I went to Oklahoma City last weekend. That's pretty country going up through there, although there's pretty much NOTHING for miles and miles. I drove downtown while Tina was in class and saw the memorial for the bombing of the federal building. It was a unique place. People had placed flowers and personal mementos along the fence. It was neat to see. OKC is a nice city, big but not so big that you can't navigate it. AND they have a Taco Bueno! I wouldn't mind living there.

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Seven-year-old kid #1: [playing with spirit stick] Man I feel like I'm five years old again!
Seven-year-old kid #2: Those were the days!
--Exiting Madison Square Garden, New York City

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