People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: Who will you pick...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Who will you pick...

We've had quite the williwaw over the past 12 hours in east Texas. Cold and blustery winds blew in last night making it feel like fall, again, but alas this IS Texas so we'll be back up in the 80's in less than a week. It's supposed to be cool and rainy on Thanksgiving which will help get the holiday feelings started. Yay!

I'd like to hear from you all. Some of these candidates are so low in the polls, they're in a serious state of denegation and should just cut their losses and save everyone a bunch of time and money. Tell me who stands out in your mind for the 2008 Presidential Election. Will expound more of my thoughts on this later.

Here's a list of some of the candidates:
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Joe Biden
Dennis Kucinich
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain
Fred Thompson
Mitt Romney

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