That's how I want to grow old...
I got a flu shot last week from a nursing student. I've heard horror stories all my life about how you'll actually get a mild case of the flu. Well, I don't want the flu, even a mild case of it, so I've never gotten it. Nobody could convince me. Until I saw Regis and Kelly get one on their show. The doctor giving the shot informed the viewers that the rumor of getting the flu was just that, a rumor. So, because I believe everything I see on TV, I changed my mind and decided to just go ahead and get the shot. Sarah's been wanting guinea pigs to practice on, so why not! Sarah was wonderful, didn't hurt me at all. Even the medication they said would eventually cause some discomfort never came. Ya just learn something new every day dontcha.
Overheard in New York Quote of the Day
Old woman #1: How many times have you beaten the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?
Old woman #2: I'm not sure. Maybe three or four times...
--A train, New York City
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