People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: August 2007

Friday, August 31, 2007

Firefox rocks...

Internet browsers. I used to think that the only thing out there was Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Ahhh, the days of naivete. A few years ago I heard about the wonder that is Firefox, Mozilla Firefox to be exact. I've used IE, Netscape, the ATT Yahoo browser (which is a lot like IE), and AOL. Firefox outperforms every single one. While in and of itself it is outstanding with tabbed browsing, auto spell-check, session restore, pop-up blocker and spyware protection, the add-ons and plug-ins available for download make it truly unique. There are hundreds of things to choose from, but I'll give you an example of what I have. Adblocker Plus is an integrated application that allows you to subscribe to automatic filters and/or right click on individual ads to block them from loading (especially helpful to those of us still on a dial-up connection). I also have Twitbid which integrates Twitter directly into the browser, the applications that gives me weather and one click access to doppler radar directly on the satus bar, Colt which allows you to copy the text of a link instead of just the link location. That brings me to my favorite, ScribeFire. A fully integrated application, ScribeFire allows you to post to and manage your favorite blog (except myspace at the moment) without having to directly go to and log in at the site, (also wonderful for those slow-ass dial up connections). I just love it. It's so worth the download time (yes, even on dial-up). I don't see myself ever using anything but Firefox again and I don't see why anybody would want to use anything else. It's fan-freaking-tastic.

"Overheard in the Office" Quote of the Day
Teen girl
: If I don't get an A on this English test I'm going to be even screwed-er.

--A High School, Sterling, Virginia

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Appreciate photo mutt...

Gosh time flies when you're trying to exist. I could have sworn I just posted something last week. There's nothing like living life from paycheck to paycheck to make you appreciate being a teenager. One of these days it's going to get better. I have to keep telling myself that.

I did get my new cell phone, it's a Motorola Krzr (I know, I know), but it was on sale and it was what I wanted. Yay for Walmart (in Sulphur Springs, Mt. Pleasant sucked). My bank stuff STILL isn't completely straightened out, however it should be settled by the end of the week. We'll see.

I'm a member of this photo group on Flickr called Doxie See Doxie Doo. They're going to have photo contests every couple of weeks, each with a different theme. This month was "Doxies Cooling Off." You should check out some of the finalists. If they do nothing else, weenie dogs make you smile. If I'm down, all I have to do is snuggle with mine, or click over to Flickr. They never fail to lift my spirits.

It's getting later so I suppose I should start rounding up the mutts for bedtime. I'm in the middle of a good book so I kind of want to get started on that too.

TTFN and LYLAS! (Remember those!!)

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
What do you mean you don't know?! Look in your underwear!
(I know that's where I always look when I lose something. :| )

--12th & 1st, New York City

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Cheery Friday...

Well, it's Friday. They'll hopefully have my banking stuff straightened out soon. We got a bonus. I'm gonna buy a new cell phone with my bonus. It's a good day. Just thought I'd share my giddiness!

"Overheard in the Office" Quote of the Day
Assistant: Are you leaving early?
Attorney: Yep.
Assistant: Why? It's only 3:30.
Attorney: 'Cause I like to drink.
--1900 Pearl Street, Austin, Texas

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dottie, the hot potato...

I guess it's time for me to fill you in on Dottie and her ex-boyfriend. Sigh. Well it's like it is with most guys, you don't put out and you get dropped like a hot potato. Poor Dottie. NOT. When she's "in season" she trots her hot little ass around the yard stopping to pee a little here and a little there. Like I don't know that she's leaving her little calling cards for the neighborhood hound. In honor of her latest episode, I've kept her inside when I'm not home to be able keep a VERY close eye on her. And when Mr. Hounddog comes calling around, as we all knew he would, he is greeted with a very mean looking BB gun and a loud pop. Now, don't worry I never point the thing directly at him. He's in no danger. Haven't seen Mr. Hounddog in quite a while now. Dottie sits forlornly at the glass door hoping to catch a glimpse of her former suitor at least making an attempt to pay her a visit. Sorry darling, you're not on his agenda, at least not this month. I just find it amusing to watch her "covert" missions in the yard and how sneaky she tries to be, and WOULD be if I didn't watch her like a hawk. So, there you have the infinitely amusing story of Dottie.

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Man with hands down pants: I'm sorry... My penis is too long for these pants.
--62nd & Columbus, New York City

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Genius or Cheater - YOU decide...

Today I shall tell you about the little cheater, I mean genius, that is Rylie. There for a couple of weeks she was calling me just about everyday to come and play Monopoly. When we'd play, she'd always win, of course. But she'd REALLY win. I wasn't letting her win. Now she may have made up a rule or two of her own but she really grasps the concept of the game. Buy up as much property as you can and rape the tenants that come through. The last game that was played, I was actually winning. I mean, I was "in the money." I got Free Parking a couple of times and I had Boardwalk and Parkplace, or whatever they're called in Spongebob Monopoly. Guess who lost interest in playing after that? Mmmhmm.... It wasn't me. And she had the NERVE to accuse ME of cheating! If she'd paid attention to the game, she would have known how many times I rolled. We get in to this Monopoly game, I tell you. It's fun though. Gosh, I love that little turd!

"Celebrity Wit" Quote of the Day
Elizabeth Taylor: When the sun comes up, I have morals again.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dignity stolen...

Life strips you of all dignity.

I just filled out yet another MySpace survey and it asked for an opinion on life. That was my answer. It's true, isn't it? The older you get, the less you have. Or that's the way I feel, anway.

My wallet was stolen out of my car about three weeks ago. The thief left my purse, so I didn't even realize anything was amiss until the police called me. Fortunately, someone found my wallet where the thief carelessly tossed it a trash some random car wash. I can't tell you what a nightmare it's been. I didn't have any cash in there, thank God, but my debit cards were taken, my social security card, my LIBRARY cards. Come ON, people. Library cards? The thief managed to charge over $200 on my card before I canceled it. Living paycheck to paycheck as I, and most people I know, do, this has seriously been a pain in the ass to get straightened out. I thought it was over. I find out today, I have to start all over again. I would rather poke hot needles in my eyes.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but as you can see I've been rather preoccupied. I get in slumps where I don't feel like doing much of anything and I suppose that's what's happened here. I hope to write about a trip to Gulport/Biloxi, MS in the next few days, and of course to continue from my previous posts about Rylie the Monopoly genius and Dottie and her boyfriend, or rather, EX-boyfriend. Muahahahah!!

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Chick: I'm kinda concerned about this lotion I started using. It contains semen.
Dude: Ew... But so what?
Chick: Well, I think that it could make me pregnant. Like, the sperm could seep through my pores and then swim through my blood...
Dude: But your pores don't have fallopian tubes...
Chick: But what if? I bet if I got pregnant, it would be, like, the devil's baby.
Dude: Yeah, and you probably can't abort the devil's baby.
--116th & Broadway, New York City
(The sad thing is there are really people out there like this. Sigh.)

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