Party magic today...
It's par-tay time folks! Tonight is the Annual CHC Christmas Party and I'm gonna win some money. It's the power of positive thinking! I'm definitely going to have a good time fo' sho'.So, I locked my keys in my car last night. Both sets. And it's the cat's fault. It's his fault because he's decided the Christmas tree is his own personal fun center. I get home last night to lights pulled off and unplugged, the ribbon unraveled and balls on the floor. I repair the tree, turn the tree and outside lights on, and go to Anne's for dinner. I come back to no tree lights. So, I've got the door open and am ready to beat the hell out of the cat before the car even comes to a complete stop. I jump out, hit the lock button and slam the door shut. I walk about two steps and freeze. Although it was cold enough outside, I didn't freeze because of the weather. "Shit," I said. "Shit, shit, shit!!!" They're still in there. Staring out at me through the frosty glass, unattainable. OleAnner was kind enough to let me borrow her Durango this morning to get to work and Kim's gonna come over and see if she can work her criminal magic. So keep your fingers crossed!!!
A big blog shout out to my friend Kevin. It's his birthday today!! Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu, Happy Birrrrrrrrthdaaaaaaaaay toooooooo yoooooooouuuuuuuuu, Haaaappppyyyy Biiirrrttthhhdaaaayyyy deeaarrr Keevvviiiinnnnn, Haaaappyyyyy Biiirrrrrthdaaaaaay tooooooooooooo yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! It's also my friend Reba's birthday, so Happy Birthday to Reba as well!
"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Black customer: Give me a yellow cash card, my brother.
Middle Eastern owner: What'd you call me?
Black customer: I said 'my brother.'
Middle Eastern owner: No, no, no. We are different.
Black customer: No, we're not -- we all come from the same place. We have the same blood.
Middle Eastern owner: No, your blood is black -- your blood is shit.
Black customer: No man, my blood is blue just like yours. Besides, if I don't come here to your store to spend money, how are you going to afford the bombs to blow up buildings?
--488 Madison Ave
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