People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: Anything, anytime, anywhere...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Anything, anytime, anywhere...

Certain events have transpired recently to raise my blood pressure even higher than it normally is. Having crackheads close by is not conducive to healthy living. Especially already disrespectful crackheads with a sense of entitlement, crackheads that think they're entitled to anything, anytime, anywhere.

But, you know what? Crackheads wouldn't be able to BE crackheads without someone to enable them to live that lifestyle. Why would someone do that? Especially a parent? Do you WANT your child to be a crackhead? At some point, you have to choose to sink or swim. And if you're a parent, you have to let your child sink if that's their choice. The way your life turns out is your choice. You can choose to overcome the obstacles set in your way. Or you can choose to let them beat you down. Once everything is lost, and that still isn't enough to wake their ass up, what do you do? How do you help someone that isn't helping themselves? You take action, you make things more difficult, you take things away. You don't keep giving. You will run out of things to give eventually.

Certain events, as terrible and tragic as they may be, can't continue to be an excuse for every bad decision you make in life. I haven't had the perfect life. Both of my parents were dead before I was 20 years old, my mother when I was age 10. I've failed at many things; friendships, relationships, finances, marriage. I've certainly made many bad decisions along the way. I've cut my losses and moved back home. I never stopped trying, though. I've kept struggling to live my life. As hard as it is sometimes to get through the day, I get up and go to work.

People that continue to live, continue to try, are the ones deserving of a helping hand. Yet, the crackheads of the world are the ones reaping the benefits. Oh, they have a disease. Sure, they do. Help them get treatment for that disease. Oh, they've had a hard life. Haven't we all, get them some therapy. Don't bitch and moan about it while you continue to support them as they sit on their collective asses sucking you and society dry. Our tax dollars are hard at work helping the bums and crackheads that are ABLE to hold a job while decent, hardworking citizens who actually contribute to the world are turned away.

I seem to have gotten side tracked. I could easily go on and on. I will temper my rant for now. I've been fortunate enough to disentangle myself from the middle of the huge knot that used to be my life. A few stray tentacles are always trying to suck me back in, so I will continue to keep unraveling those strings until I'm finally free. It's all I can do.

In the meantime. Leave me, and my shit, the fuck alone, crackheads.


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