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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Anticipation yearning mechanism...

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today. I don't really know quite why. Maybe it's the weather, it's kind of dark and the atmosphere is heavy with the anticipation of rain.

I'm feeling a yearning, as most of us do from time to time I imagine, for simpler times. Really delving into the past and taking an honest look, though, forces me to realize that times weren't really simpler, just different. There were still worries, still adversities, still sadness and dark times. We view our past through time-glazed memories and usually only see the fun we had and re-experience the good feelings we felt. I suppose that's a mechanism we've built in ourselves to help retain our sanity. I certainly don't want to re-live all the terrible times in my life every time I reminisce.

So, after all that, I'm going to remember the laughter and tears of joy, and pretend times really were simpler back then. I'm going to look at the pictures and see uncomplicated times, carefree smiles and honest love. I feel fortunate to have lived life the way I have, despite regrets. It's produced some great memories.

To what has been, and what will be...


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