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Monday, November 27, 2006

Busy budgeting party...

Okay, for me, NaNo Wrimo is over. I have been defeated. I think I wrote like 300 words. Not even a dent in the 50,000 needed. But, I've been busy darn it!

Works been crazy. End-of-year budgeting makes people go a little nuts. It's settling back down now for the most part. And our Christmas party is Friday!! Woo hoo! Yay. Show me the money!!!

And then there was Thanksgiving. I was disappointed in my rolls this year. I don't make them very often, so I tend to forget the little things that can make them turn out wrong. Like, let the milk cool ALL the way down. I think I should use less flour, maybe about 6 cups instead of 8. I need to write these things down. I'm gonna try again. Yeast rolls are soooo good if they're made right. I'm gonna get it down, folks. The Soapapilla Cheesecake was a big hit, though. So, I guess that's something.

Yesterday, Rylie and I put up my Christmas tree. I baked chocolate chip cookies and we listened to Christmas music and just made a day of it. It was nice. And it turned out pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I've got to revamp the outside lights. Half of them are out. I have some more, but the wires are green instead of white. So, since I can't afford to buy more white ones, I'll have to scrap all the ones that are up and put up the ones with green wires. Maybe it won't look too ghetto. I also have to get a 9volt battery for the little clicker thingy. Those damn things are expensive. What's up with the 9 volts being so damn high? Huh? Huh? Answer me!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and that y'all have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Anyways, if you want to see pictures of the tree, click on the Christmas 2006 album on my Yahoo! Photos page. I'll post other holiday pictures there as well, so keep checking back. They really need to get some links set up like Photobucket has. Sigh.


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