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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Nappy cat, nappy cat...

Okay... I have a window in my office that slides open. I don't really know the reason this window exists, other than to annoy the piss out of me. Now, I don't mind people sliding the glass open to chat, or people being able to see in, or anything like that. What annoys the piss out of me is the fact that when SOME people, not all, DO slide the glass open they leave their greasy, nasty paw prints behind. So, I either have to sit here and look at a glass that is streaked with nappy juice or constantly clean the window. Do see why it annoys the piss out of me?

So, let's see. Do I have any interesting pet stories for you today? Well, the cat, he he he. I put a collar on him. It has a bell. The cat toys have bells in them. He went nuts. It was HIGH-larious. He started this spastic jumping, jumped from the couch to the coffee table to the floor and back to the couch. And of course the little bell is ringing constantly and he couldn't figure it out! I finally felt sorry for him and took it off. I wish I'd had a video of it, though. It amused me. With the Christmas tree up, the fly-swatter has come in quite handy. Damn cat. He's already pulled the ribbon half off and broken one of my bulbs. I usually come home to at least one off the tree and swatted into a corner somewhere. He's scared of that fly-swatter though. I don't even have to touch him with it for him to take off running. Now, if only that worked on the dogs. They just look at me like, "Bitch, please."

I got the Christmas lights up yesterday! Yay me. Well, they're mostly up. I need a ladder to get on the ends past the porch. But that'll have to wait until sometime next week. At least these all come on. It's not a patch here and a patch there. And I put up more clippy thingys so they don't droop. You know if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself. And don't rely on a stupid man to do it either. I'll put pictures up when I have them finished and my porch is cleaned off. I just love Christmas. Everything looks cleaner, prettier at Christmas time.

Alright, I'm gonna get back to work now. Feliz Navidad!!

I'm starting a new practice of posting actual quotes overheard by poor, unfortunate souls. Living in Pittsburg, it's hard to imagine being in a crowd where people speak so, hmm, freely. Enjoy!

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Chick: So then he slammed my infected eyebrow right into his crotch. It was terrific!
--Theater, 1st Ave & 9th St


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