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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Untrustworthy artist fodder...

For those of you who watch Big Brother; and then there was one. Season Six has been decimated. I have to say though that I'm really not too disappointed James is gone. He was untrustworthy last year, as he was this year. I still just can't figure out why Will and Boogie are still in the game. The two biggest liars and manipulators have managed to lie and manipulate everyone into believing that they are NOT liars and manipulators. How thick ARE these people?! It aggravates me.

You know when you're watching a game show on TV and you think to yourself, I oughta go on that show, I could do that. That was so easy, I can't believe she missed that question. I was offered five million dollars by a client tonight if I could name the artist of an 80's song playing on the radio. I couldn't do it. Hell, I can't even tell you what song it was. She was just throwing that out there, like people tend to do. I think. But, what if she'd been serious? I just lost five million dollars over an Al Green song. I'm kinda depressed!

It's been a lousy day. And for no reason in particular really. Just one of those days, I suppose.

I was doing a little online reading today about photography. You really can learn quite a bit from the net. I would absolutely love to take some hands-on photography classes at some point. Do they give financial aid for those types of classes? Yes... I'm that poor. I think it's fun to create images that will last forever. I don't feel like I'm that creative though, as far as creating something to take a picture of, or even seeing a shot where someone else wouldn't. That's something I think I need to be more aware of. In the meantime, you know the animules are great photography fodder. Here's one of Piper and The Devil Cat having another showdown. This one was just as dissapointing as the first. No hissing, no spitting, no eyeballs hanging out of sockets. Maybe they're just admiring one another.

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