People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: 100+ black stink...

Monday, August 14, 2006

100+ black stink...

Have you ever just had one of those weeks that make you just wanna throw in the towel? Wave the white flag? Surrender to the nothingness that threatens to reach out and pull you into a black pit of despair? Yeah, in case you hadn't noticed yet, it's gonna be one of THOSE blogs today.

I've been told that I've been pissy for more than a week. Maybe if I write it out of my system, it'll go away. It all started last week with an argument I had with someone who shall remain nameless for the purpose of this entry. When I get upset/angry I tend to take it out on the poor souls who have the misfortune to be around me at the time. I recognize this after the fact, but I can't seem to control myself in the heat of the moment. I do think people understand though, I happen to have some extraordinary colleagues and friends. Anyway, back on track, the argument just began the whole week badly.

I was then recruited at the office to do some things other than my normal daily tasks, which is fine normally, but it just threw me that much more out of whack and put me behind.

When I arrive home Friday, it is to find that I have no water. Because of some mix-up, of which I'm still not sure, our friendly little neighborhood "security guard" turned off the water on a Friday afternoon. You know, I understand that he's just doing his job. But come on!! A Friday afternoon, no chance for me to get it taken care of before Monday. Not only that, but when I tried to call him and find out what was going on, I get no answer until almost 7 p.m. on Saturday. I began calling Friday evening; and I know he was home because I saw his little truck in the yard. The man even drove by my house 10 minutes after I'd called him on Saturday. So, I get to spend a weekend with no water?? Who does that shit? I have dogs in 100+ degree heat, clothes to wash, baths to take, food to cook, dishes to wash.

So Friday night, I'm in a tizzy and go check my mail to see if there's anything from the company to explain this whole mess. Of course there isn't. What there was, however, was a letter or two from my car's leinholder stating that they didn't have proof of insurance coverage. One letter was dated July 10, 2006, the postmark was July 28, 2006 and stated that it was my second notice. I've never received a first notice. The second letter was enclosed with an insurance policy the creditor had issued on my car, dated August 4, 2006, along with payment coupons that had raised my payment up about, oh $50 or so. Sure, I'll just pull that out of my ass and send it right to ya. Now, if I'd have taken the time to read the letter more thoroughly that night I might have noticed that it said that if the vehicle WAS covered the amount they'd charged to my account would be credited. But I didn't. So, over the weekend I distressed over the argument I had, the water situation, the car note, and everytime the air conditioner kicked on I had an anxiety attack wondering how I'm going to pay my electric bill. Gee, I wonder why I had a headache yesterday.

Don't worry though it's all taken care of now and I did have access to some water so I don't stink and my clothes did get washed. The dishes are another story.


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