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Friday, August 11, 2006

What is he thinking...

On the news the other night a story was reported about a slain preacher and his wife, who allegedly admitted to the murder of her husband during a bond hearing. The small Tennessee community was shocked to discover the pastor was shot in the back after he didn't appear for church services. It is alleged that the wife, after months of supposed mental abuse and financial chaos, used a shotgun at close range to murder her husband, afterward packing her kids up to flea for 'the beach and a mini vacation.' Now, the kicker is the judge from McNairy County, Tenneessee is releasing this woman on bail saying there was no prior history and no flight risk. It's my opinion after she's reportedly admitted to the murder, that even if that were true, she should be held without bail. She tells investigators that the murder was not planned, but I mean come on, she shot the man in the back at close range while he was ASLEEP. It's not rocket science to figure this one out. She got sick and tired and decided it was time for some payback. Most people get a divorce. I'd like to know your opinion.


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