Diary of a Happy White Woman...
Originally Posted Tuesday, July 11, 2006The weekend was way too short.
Friday night, Tina and I went out to the local hot spot. (Local hot spot = Wal Mart) We got a few groceries and Tina bought the stuff for the weekend, stuff for hamburgers AND a toy for the pool. That was nice of her! By the time I got home, I was a mite tired . So my big Friday night consisted of the local hot spot and playing with my kitty. Wait, that sounded a little dirty. I meant that I played with Jazzy. My kitty is Jazzy.
Saturday started out early for me. For some reason I was awake before 8 o'clock. Which sucks. What happened to the days of being able to sleep until noon. Damn, I must be getting old. Anyways, since I was up I decided to be constructive with my time. I mowed the front half of the back yard (because that's all the gas I had). So, at least the area around the pool is mowed. I did a load of dishes, swept the kitchen and the guest bath, vacuumed the living room, Windexed the living room windows and screen door, dusted around stuff because I just didn't really want to put forth the effort to move it. So, by this time it's around 11. I sat on my ass for about half an hour and then got up and cooked lunch. I made a "homemade" pizza. (Homemade = not frozen and not Pizza Inn, more like Chef Boy R Dee's Pizza in a Box). That shit is the bomb. It was damn good if I do say so myself. Now, you don't get that right out of the box, you have to doctor it up some. So, it really is more homemade than not. Once my belly is full, the pool begins to beckon. Taaaaaaanyaaaa, cooooommmmeeee swwwiiiimmmmm iiinnnn meeeee. So, being the mostly obliging person that I am, I heeded the call. I slathered on some suntanning oil and hit the floatie. Surprisingly, I didn't slide right off. I actually managed to keep my grip on the float and sunned myself like there was no tomorrow. After laying there a while having no one to talk to but the dogs and the locusts, I begin to wonder where my partners in crime are. As I'm calling one, the other walks up. Finally, a human. So we swim around a while and chat. Then, the monster walks up. (Monster = Rylie) Fresh from her visit with Mr. Chuck E. Cheese himself, she convices her Mom to run her home for her bathing suit. I told her to swim naked, but she was having none of that. As they were leaving OleTinner finally made her appearance. Yay! Everyone was there. And Tina brought the toy! We enjoyed the rest of the day paddling around and shooting hoops and tossing rings. Rylie won of course, she changes the rules so she ALWAYS wins. Wouldn't it be nice if that were the way life really were? Ok, it's suppertime now. We grilled hamburgers on OleAnners handy dandy little grill and watched Big Momma's House Part 2. All in all, it was a pretty damn good day.
Sunday was pretty much like Saturday, only Tina wasn't there, Felice was, and I had country fried potatoes for lunch and homemade pizza for dinner. (That pizza is damn good). And watched Barber Shop and Diary of a Mad Black Woman.
Not a bad way to spend a weekend if you ask me. I'm looking forward to several more of these weekends before summer is over. If you're reading this, you're invited! Bring a Coke, a bag of chips and we'll hang. You know you want to.
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