People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: His penis is so... beautiful... I just want to knit it a hat...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

His penis is so... beautiful... I just want to knit it a hat...

Isn't that quote, from the movie Prime, the greatest line ever?! I seriously thought I was going to pee my pants. This movie has some great lines about religion, culture and dating in general. For instance, this kid brings home an African American young lady to meet his Boubie (grandma). The 80-something-year-old classically Jewish woman looks the girl up and down, shifts her eyes to her grandson, and says in an accent straight from the bronx, "Is she black?" It was great. You should catch it if you enjoy those cheesy chickflick movies.

So, I'm spending the weekend at home, too broke to even start my car and drive around the block. Being poor sucks. Really sucks. I've got to step up my game to marry that rich man I've been talking about. In the meantime, I suppose I'll suck it up and enjoy the time off from work.

In an effort to pass the time, I did my nails today. I don't know why I've put it off for so long. I always enjoy them once I get them on there. They're a pretty flourescent pink today, but I don't care how careful I am I always manage to knick at least one. I'm now sporting a nice knife imprint on my left index finger which I managed to get while chopping the bell pepper for the delicious homemade pizza I threw together today. I'll redo it tomorrow, give me something to do other than watch movies all damn day. I could clean the house I guess, but really, what's the likelyhood of that happing?


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