People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: The Standoff...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Standoff...

Originally Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The cat and the dog sat in stoney silence, regarding each other with disdain, neither willing to give an inch. You can hear the gunfight soundtrack used in old western films, almost see the tubleweed rolling in the dust-clogged stretch of space between the two sworn enemies. There's a slight twitch of a tail, a narrowing of the eyes. The attack is imminent. Without warning, the cat abruptly relaxes and closes her eyes, the dog flops over onto her side with a sigh. The tension in the air dissipates. There would be no fight tonight.

Rather anticlimactic don't you think? That's what I thought, watching the whole episode take place. I was ready and waiting with a fly-swatter to take their territorial butts down a peg or two. Didn't happen though. They must have had an unspoken agreement to have their little tiff when I wasn't prepared. The cat just doesn't like Piper, or any dog for that matter, yet. I say yet, because she's just gonna have to get used to them. They ain't goin' anywhere. She'll figure that out soon enough I suppose. But in the meantime, Piper just can't keep her nose out of the cat's business. She's always gotta see what she's doing, where's she at, what's she eatin'. I guess she'll learn too, when Jazzy gets off a good swing with her Freddy Kruger claws extended. So, that was my excitement for the day yesterday. Don't you wish you lived in my fun-filled world? The skies are always sunny and the music never stops here. The straightjackets are always a nice, bright white too.


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