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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Two weenies and the devil...

Last night I had two weenies in my lap, weenie dogs that is; and The Devil Cat is getting braver. While I was trapped under the two weenies, little miss Jazzy 'aka: The Devil Cat' thought it would be highly entertaining to finally get close enough to sniff out the competition. Captain and Piper didn't find it the least bit amusing and promptly began growling; the closer she got the louder the growl. Finally at the edge of the recliner, she put her front two paws onto the cushion. The growling had stopped, there was dead silence. The weenies were on point, their eyes never leaving the fuzzy menace that had interrupted their lives. Jazzy reaches out a paw to playfully bat Captain's rotund belly. Captain yaps, taking a snap at the "innocent" little creature. Unperturbed, the cat tries again, maybe this time with claws extended? I don't really know. I do know that Captain yelps, whether in surprise or pain, and proceeds to climb and claw his way up my arm towards my shoulders. Once his significant bulk is firmly wedged between my back the the chair, he issued a weary sigh and laid his head down on my shoulder. Damage done, the cat saunters over to the computer chair and curls up looking like a perfect angel. I'm inclined to believe the claws were extended with that last swat because, well, you'd just have to know Captain. He's my little 'fat baby.' He can hardly make the jump up into the recliner, sometimes trying two or three times, sometimes having to take a running start. So, you can see that something would have to be very wrong for him to exert the energy it took for him to get all the way up to my shoulders. It must've upset him pretty badly because he didn't want to come back inside after his last potty break of the night, and this is Captain... Mr. Move-Out-Of-My-Way-So-I-Can-Go-To-Sleep-In-My-Blanket. Last night he just sat there in the yard, his tail was still, he had no smile on his face. He looked at me as if to say, "Hell no, I won't go! Not until that bitch cat is GONE!" In the end he relented, Captain Bo does like his comfy pillow and blanket after all, but he most definitely wasn't happy about it. The Devil Cat wins the first battle, but from the gleam in Captain's eyes this morning I know the war is far from over.

When I opened my first email of the morning, it was to three pictures of my niece. The images are of Torie, being portrayed by six-year-old Rylie.

First there's the Torie shot...
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Then there's the second shot where she explains that she 'needs a bra before school starts!'...
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And finally a side shot, hitting the point home that she MUST have it before school starts...
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It was a wonderful way to start the day with a laugh. This little girl constantly keeps me entertained and I love her so much for it. She's a joy to be around. Most of the time.


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