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Friday, July 28, 2006

Secret cramps...

Hell week is almost over. I hope. I'll share one amusing little story to come out of it, old people are so cute. Each of our patients is to have a "home folder," a little packet with information related to their diagnosis and the medications they take, agency contact information, etc. When the Mistress of Torture informed us, the lowly peasants, that she would be making the rounds with some of our nurses, the panic level jumped up a degree. I mean, come on really. Are these senior citizens really concerned with their "home folder"? No. In fact, I would say about 50% of our patients threw them away. About 10 people were dispatched on the downlow to visit these elderly patients and update/replace their home folders. Some patients were gracious about it, some were not so gracious, and some were downright rude. But the task was accomplished, the covert operation completed; all the patients were updated before the Mistress of Torture descended. The following day, one of our nurses had to phone one of the patients called upon by the surveyor. The nurse indulged the little old woman in conversation about the visit and the surveyor. "Do you know that lady asked for the folder y'all brought me the other day," she says. "Well I told her y'all did good, y'all got it here just in time." She didn't know it was supposed to be a secret, ya can't get mad at her!

Okay, I'm sure you've heard. The big "secret" is out. Lance Bass from N'Sync is gay. Who cares? Really.

I want it to rain. Rain all damn weekend, with storms. Not violent storms, just thunder, lightning, a little wind. The mood is right for storms.

I'm tired. I need a nap. It's only 9:30. I'm moody. I have cramps. I'm hungry. My back hurts. I hate PMS. I'm going to do work now.


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