The Menagarie...
Originally Posted Friday, July 07, 2006It's the beginning of July. Half the year is over. Where did it go? I certainly have no idea. But I can tell you that I'm enjoying my time right now. The only person I am responsible for right now is myself, and of course my menagarie of 'children'. And it's a sorted lot they are, my babies. I've just added a new one to the mix, Miss Jazzy the kitty. She resembles my old cat Joe, only with long hair. I'll post a picture of her soon. And since the crackheads have left Dottie alone and I now claim her as my own and DARE anyone to challenge that, I'll post a pic of her as well.
So we're having a little get together at my house tomorrow. Nothing big, just me, Tina, OleAnner and Rylie. Gonna do a little swimming, floating, eating and drinking. Sounds like a good day doesn't it? I can't wait! I sure wish I had a back deck, but we'll have fun anyways. A little bon fire pit would be nice. Maybe I can set up something make shift and we can do this again in the fall when a fire would be really nice. So, if anyone has some rocks they'd like to donate, feel free.
I suppose I've rambled enough, I'd better get to work. The more I work, the faster 4 o'clock will get here!
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