People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: Summer is cool...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Summer is cool...

Originally Posted Monday, June 19, 2006

...when you have a pool! And thanks to my friend/sister-in-law, whatever you want to call her, OleAnner, I do! Well, sort of. It's in my backyard anyways. She actually bought it for my niece, but didn't really have a place in her yard to put it. And I'm like the obnoxious kid in class that raises their hand and stands halfway in their seat saying pick me, pick me, only it's more like, "I have the perfect spot in my backyard for a pool OleAnner! You can put it in my yard! Pick me, PICK ME!!!!" So, we now have a pool. And it's great!!! I love to swim and now I can EVERY DAY! I can float and get a tan, play ball, catch Rylie when she jumps on top of me, drown Rylie because she jumps on top of me, throw Rylie across the pool and piss her off. It's great. I can't wait to get off work today and go jump in! I can already feel the crisp, cool, refreshing water and smell the pungent clean scent of chlorine. It's the summertime perfume! Wooooooo hooo!


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