People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: On the Inside Looking Out...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

On the Inside Looking Out...

Originally Posted Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The sun is shining, the grass is green... it's a beautiful day outside.... AND I'M STUCK IN HERE!!! Yesterday, was showing rain for the next 13 days (including yesterday) and we still haven't gotten a drop yet. I hope it DOESN'T come, at least not so much at once. Don't get me wrong, I like a good rainy day. Lately though, I've really enjoyed spending time outside, doing little things at a time to make my yard look better. Besides, the rain makes the damn grass grow! I've got these stupid trees though in my back yard flower beds and those bastards are hard to get out. I don't know how I'm gonna get them outta there. It's like, once they take root those roots make a beeline straight for China! I still haven't decided exactly what I want to put in there. Probably nothing this year. I can't afford anything! There are several things I'd like to try, but on my budget I'll have to do a little (very little) bit at a time. I'm trying now to root some cuttings off of a rose bush I got at my friend Tina's house. We'll see if any of those turn out. My bushes at home are barely starting to leaf out now. I sure wish they'd hurry up!!! I'm ready to see some pretty flowers! I did see a bud on the climbing rose, so maybe it won't be too much longer! The tomato plants are starting to grow!! At least the ones in the sun are. We decided today though to move the others away from the shade of the house. Hopefully we can still salvage those plants.

So, this weekend I'm babysitting (or dogsitting rather). I'm going to have 5 weenie dogs in all. It's going to be a real circus. I love the little boogers though. Yes, even Duke. The ornery little bastard. But this is another reason I would appreciate the rain to stay away. The kitchen floor looks bad enough when there are two sets of muddy weenie tracks, can you imagine FIVE sets?! I already know Piper's gonna be a little bitch... she doesn't like to share her space, so I'm going to be putting up with her attitude all weekend, along with Duke's. Fun times, fun times. I do wonder why I said yes. Oh well, I guess it's 'cause I'm so sweet!


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