That Evil Little Smiley Scares Me...
Originally Posted Monday, February 27, 2006I just have these random thoughts. But I'm mentally sound, I promise.
I have good intentions to post a new blog everyday, but my life just isn't that interesting and I'm not an inventive enough writer to be able to make things up. I could write about my dogs. It seems like I never have enough to say about them. But, I think that would make me look like a crazy dog lady. I don't want to be the crazy dog lady on the block.
I want a pedicure. I'm tired of being the one to give all the pedicures. I want to be pampered too. My funky toe that stupid bitch ground her heel into is finally started to look somewhat normal again. It's not black anymore. That's an improvement. My toes look better than they have in a while. I painted and filed them the other day. They match my tattoo! But I need someone to do that FOR me.
I hurt my arm the other day when we got all the freezing rain and I thought I'd speed skate onto my porch. It still hurts today. I don't think it's broken though. I hope not because I've been using the heck out of it. That wouldn't be good for a broken arm.
I made lasagna this weekend. It sure was yummy. I'll be having leftovers for days. My friends abandoned me. But that's okay. I guess they had good reasons. My niece helped me eat it. Well, a little of it. She's so little, she can't hold that much. At least not that much at a time. Give her an hour and you'll hear "I'm hungry." AND she cheats at cards, at Go Fish if you can imagine. But I love the little monkey.
This CD I burned is weird. I've got Kelly Clarkson, followed by Sara McLachlan, Josh Groban, Billie Holliday, Etta James, Nat King Cole and Christina Aguilera. But they're all songs I like, so I guess it doesn't matter if it's a weird mix or not. Hell, I'm weird.
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