It remains elusive...
Just FYI, the search words most used for this blog are "beautiful penis." Even the people at Rutgers are trying to find this elusive phenomenon.
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A Touch of Class...
Ok.. I have to tell this little story. It hasn't translated to words as well as it happened in my head, but I found it highly amusing and will tell you anyway.
I was at a convenience store a few days ago getting raped by big oil yet again. While I'm leaning against my car, reminiscing of the good old days when gas was .89 cents a gallon I notice the car on the other side of my pump. The older model car had a logo that said "A Touch of Class" Cleaning and Janitorial Services. Okay, whatever, right? Then the driver of the car walks out of the store..... with no shoes on. I had to laugh. Right there in front of everybody. I couldn't help myself, it just came bubbling out. I'm sure I got some strange looks. But none stranger than the look on my face when I saw the janitor with no shoes. Classy, right?
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Happy Birthday...
Today is my darling's birthday. Mr. Captain Bo Jangles is 12 years old, 84 in dog years.
I remember the first time I saw him. He was up for adoption at the animal shelter and they put his photo in the newspaper. I had just lost my previous weenie dog Milo and had a disastrous bout with a cat named Bailey (aka Devil Cat Numero Uno). Y'all know I love me some dachsund and he had my heart at first sight. He was about six years old when he came to live with me, was young and thin and spry. And now he's, well, he's not those things anymore. He stills speaks and still loves to eat and sleep. And, really, what else is there?
And Now