People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: Daddy's girl...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Daddy's girl...

As I was sitting here, taking my medication for high blood pressure with my caffeine-laden coffee, it occured to me that maybe I should be drinking water. I'm usually not a coffee drinker. In order to function lately, I've needed that little boost of caffeine in the mornings. Maybe because I'm getting older, maybe because I don't sleep as well because of afore-mentioned medication.

I'd prefer an ice cold Coca Cola, but coffee's much cheaper. That's my Daddy's fault, I think. He loved his Coca Cola, and not any of that "new Coke" crap either, a good ole classic Coca Cola. As a diabetic, cokes and the like were a no-no and forbidden to him, which made his yen for the bubbly drink even stronger. As his disease progressed, so did the cravings for his Coca Cola. I miss my Daddy.

It's weird. I've always thought of myself as a Mama's girl, but I guess I'm really a Daddy's girl. When my mom died, I was only 10 years old. It's hard to believe it's been so long ago. And while I miss her everyday, more of my life is enmeshed with my Daddy because I was an only child, for the most part, and fortunate enough to grow up with a loving and generous man. He didn't always make the right decisions, but he did his best by me and I've never in my life had to doubt his love.

Today, on my birthday, I am honored to thank my Mom and Dad, for making me into the person I am today.

"Overheard in New York" Quote of the Day
Drunk bum: I'm not a bum -- I'm an international bill inspector. My boss sent me here to inspect your bills. Who wants to give me a hundred dollars?
--Crowded 6 train

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At Wednesday, April 25, 2007 2:07:00 PM, Blogger Christine said...

Happy birthday!

I can't live without my Diet Coke.


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