Try, try again...
I haven't blogged about this before because I didn't want to put it out there and look like an asshole when I failed at it like I have so many times in the past. I still haven't achieved 100% success but I'd consider the progress I've made so far a triumph.
I have lost 30 pounds (pausing for the applause). That's a 10% loss of weight so far and 19% of my goal weight reached, I am 1/5 of the way there. It has been (is going to be) a long process, full of ups and downs. As much as I want there to be, there is no instant gratification, no quick fix. I've fallen off the wagon, in fact the wagon has run me over a couple of times, but I've managed to somehow drag myself back up there each time. And that's the key isn't it? We've heard it since grade school, "Try, try again."
So here are my words of wisdom for the day. DO NOT GIVE UP! If it seems hopeless, keep pushing forward. If you make a mistake today, turn it around tomorrow. Be patient with yourself and accept the fact that you will falter. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and "Try, try again." Absolutely nothing will be accomplished if you give up.
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Beautiful randomness...
Someone left a comment and asked what this blog was... The simple answer is beautiful randomness. Things that pop into my head and get stuck there are usually what ends up here.
Something that's not random... My heart is hurting today. Over the weekend, my ex-but not really-brother and sister-in-law / friends and my niece (aka The Darling Angel) moved from right around the corner to about an hour away. I'm happy for OleAnner, that she got the house she wanted in the place she wanted, and I'm glad she's excited to start a new chapter. But selfishly, I'm sad. Sure Rylie can come and visit or stay the weekend or I can go up there. But it's not the same as being involved in day to day life. She can't just hop on her bike to come see me anymore. I can't walk around the corner to have dinner or watch Big Brother. Things can't stay the same forever, I know that. Life is change. Today, life sucks.
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Big Brother returns...
Finally, something I can watch on Primetime. The one they call the cougar? How big of a bitch was she?!
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