People Checked out This Gnarley Blog Life or Something Like It: December 2009

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Happy Endings...

It's nearly one o'clock in the morning. I finished reading Forrest Gump about an hour ago. I've been in my dark, quiet bedroom with my eyes shut trying to get some sleep ever since. So, now I'm here to write myself to sleep. Maybe it will work.

In case you live under a rock and haven't seen/read them, there are movie and book spoilers for Forrest Gump, Angels and Demons, and Harry Potter, all of which are fairly inconsequential but I am warning you none the less. Forrest Gump the movie and Forrest Gump the book are similar in two ways. They both have a character named Forrest Gump and he "ain't led no hum drum life." I liked the movie better than the book and that doesn't usually happen for me. I don't know if it's because I saw the movie first and it was so popular or if I truly just didn't like the way things happened in the book. Forrest gets his happy ending in the movie. I know it doesn't seem like it since Jenny dies in the end, but he got to be with Jenny and she chose to be with him. It didn't happen that way in the book. Jenny leaves him and marries someone else and lives out her peaceful suburban existence with this man until she's old and gray I assume. Forrest lived an exciting life but he's still left with unfulfilled dreams. So, this brings my to my point. Why does Hollywood think we have to have happy endings in the movies when it doesn't really happen that way? The way the movie was written was good, I did like it. I just hate that it was so different from the book. The book and movie Angels and Demons was the same way. I love the book, I really enjoyed it. And then I saw the movie. The movie deviated from the book in ways that were completely unnecessary. I was so excited to see the movie and was so looking forward to it. It was a huge disappointment. I bitched and moaned about it the entire time I watched it, much to the annoyance of my friends. I know things have to be edited and changed around to make a movie happen but if the guy dies in the book, he should freaking die in the movie! I can't save Dumbledore in the Harry Potter game for the Wii dammit, so why should the guy in the movie live when he dies in the book?! I know these movies, books and characters are fiction and may not have what you would call typical happy endings but in comparison they tried to nice things up and some of it worked and some of it didn't. I guess I think that the movies' should match the book, at least in general details. That would be nice. I think I'm starting to ramble again. It IS about 1:15 in the morning, folks.

Aside from tearing up and scattering a trash bag full of feminine hygiene products all across my front yard, I don't have any dog stories to tell. Piper is just biding her time looking sweet and innocent until she thinks up her next big murder plot. Dottie might be trying to talk her out of it. Or, she may be planning and plotting right along with her. Never can tell about those two.

I'm getting sleepy now so I'm going to try to get my own happy ending, at least for tonight. (That would be SLEEP you dirty-minded freaks!)

Nighty night. :)

Another Overheard QOTD -

Trainee: This customer is mad because we won't cover an accident that happened before he was insured with us. He won't stop yelling!
Trainer: Ha! He's gonna have to suck eggs on that one! Sucks for him. But seriously, go through the facts and dates with him and explain why we won't cover it. Stay calm and apologize. You can do this!
Trainee, to customer: Thank you for holding. This... uh... Okay. My manager says you have to suck eggs, I'm sorry.
Riverview Parkway, San Diego

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